About Us

Afghan Bureau Collaboration Office (ABCO) was founded in 1993 as a national NGO by a group of considerate men in intend to rebuild, bring livelihood resilience and food security to the communities and the population who have been hugely affected by internal conflicts. As war damages and the high number of domestic destructions have close and direct effects on the livelihood of people and creating development gap; ABCO concentrated its activities in various key sectors for human care and taking an active part in developmental sector of Afghanistan.

From 1993 up to 2005, the NGO was working under the name of Afghan Building Construction/Association (ABC). During the years, by coming of new government and re-registration of NGOs in 2006, its name was changed to Afghan Bakhtar Construction Co. Ltd (ABC) and finally to Afghan Bureau Collaboration office (ABCO).

Afghan Bureau Collaboration Office (ABCO) is a national NGO registered with the government of Afghanistan. ABCO has been working since 1993 and has been engaged with project implementations in all regions of Afghanistan on and off-site.  ABCO has been directly awarded with projects funded under UN Agencies, International Banks, Ministries, International NGOs, USAID, ISAF, and other international organizations working in Afghanistan.

Afghan Bureau Collaboration Office (ABCO) has experience of project implementation in all regions of Afghanistan on and off-site. ABCO has been engaged with many projects in rural and remote areas of Afghanistan too. ABCO has experience of managing the challenging local and national situation of Afghanistan that might arise during the project. ABCO’s personnel with more than 2 decades of experience in Afghanistan has become very professional to face and solve any kind of local and national barriers during project implementations to offer the best outcome possible.

Afghan Bureau Collaboration Office has received written certificates of appreciation from WFP, USAID, and other donors for its deliveries. ABCO has the highest level of integrity in its administrative, service, and outreach activities; we tie these activities directly to our mission, and we maintain and report our records/deliveries in a transparent manner.

Over the last 27 years, since our start, we have continued to grow while staying true to our original mission. With our headquarters in the Balkh and Kabul provinces of Afghanistan, we are physically present and have the capacity of delivering services in all regions across Afghanistan.


1. Name of Organization (in English): Afghan Bureau Collaboration Office
     Name of Organization (in Persian): اداره همکا ری بیروی افغان

2. Logo Description: Two hands next to each other under a shelter and useful tree and around the wheat cluster. It means that the office is in cooperation with all people of Afghanistan for construction, uplift, self-sufficient, and the highest degree of improvement in the country.

3. Logo:

4. Year of Formation: 1993

5. Legal Status: Registration Authority: NGOs Department, Ministry of Economy, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

  • ABCO was founded in 1993 as a Non-Governmental and Non-profitable NGO by the name of Afghan Building Construction (ABC). During the years, by coming of new governments and reregistration of NGOs, its name was changed to Afghan Bakhtar Construction (ABC) and finally to Afghan Bureau Collaboration office (ABCO).

6. Status of the Organization:

  • The Afghan Bureau Collaboration Office (ABCO) is a voluntary, humanitarian, non-governmental, non-profit, non-political, and non-partisan organization.
  • The Afghan Bureau Collaboration Office (ABCO) has legal status and personality; it has the legal right to sue or to be sued in its own name and generally, subject to this constitution, capable of doing anything that corporate bodies may lawfully do.
  • The Afghan Bureau Collaboration Office (ABCO) is a corporate body with perpetual succession; capable of acquiring and holding property separately from its members.

7. Operational Sites of Organization:

The operational sites of the organization are the provinces, districts, and rural/remote areas of the northern region of Afghanistan having the ultimate need of our services.

8. Values of Organization:

Afghan Bureau Collaboration Office rests on the following beliefs:

  • We believe in SOLIDARITY with the poor, powerless, and the excluded. They will be the only bias in our commitment to improving poverty conditions.
  • We believe in MUTUAL RESPECT and thereby recognize the innate worth of all people and the value of their unique experiences.
  • We believe in HONESTY and TRANSPARENCY and will be held accountable for the effectiveness of our actions and open in our communication.
  • We believe in GENDER EQUALITY and we understand that It’s essential for economic prosperity, societies that value women and men as equal are safer and healthier.
  • We believe in the courage of conviction, encourage creativity, boldness, and innovation without the fear of failure as we work to make the greatest possible impact in the lives



During food emergency, assistance reaches most vulnerable populations wherever they are in a timely manner.

Resilient livelihoods of individuals and communities.

Resilient local economies of women headed households.


Afghan Bureau Collaboration Office (ABCO) mission is to fight and end hunger in Afghanistan. ABCO provides range of services to meet food security, food emergencies and working directly with communities for promoting economic and social development to build resilience.


Delivering assistance during food emergency to most vulnerable populations wherever they are in a timely manner,

transformative actions that strengthen the resilience and livelihoods of individuals and communities, 

and support local economies of women headed households thus contributing to the long-term development ensuring saving lives and changing lives.