OUR key sectors

Food security


The service in the field includes: reaching the most vulnerable populations
wherever they are during food emergencies.


With an objective to fight and end hunger in

Livelihood Resilience Building


The service in the field includes: promoting and facilitating the active
participation of women, youth, vulnerable groups, disabled people, and the poor in
livelihood activities.


With a focus on developing and strengthening the
capacity of population and communities in rural areas with the close collaboration of
local NGOs, local shuras, and associations


Gender-based Projects


The service in the field includes; training and supporting local economies of
women-headed households thus contributing to the long-term development and creating a
resilient livelihood.


Covering women empowerment and food security of
women-headed households

humanitarian projects


Material or logistical assistance to groups of people and communities in need of aid. Among
those affected by the flood, conflict, natural disasters, and poverty.

Reaching the Vulnerable people wherever they are
during emergencies


Feasibility Study


The service in the field includes; Provision of Historical Background for the
project/site, Description of the Location, Situational Analysis, Details of the
Operations and Management, National Policies on the subject, International Standards on
the subject, Financial Data and Legal Requirements.

Specific studies for the feasibility study of
projects in developmental sectors

Third-Party Monitoring and Evaluation Consultancy


Assessing Compliance with principles, requirements, and procedures agreed upon, Data
Collection, Field Survey, Supervision, Reporting, Analysis, Support, Outcome Presentation,
Information Disclosure, Resolution of Grievances, Reviewing of Objectives, Reviewing
Shortcomings, Developing Risk Mitigation Action Plan, and Developing recommended solutions
for discussion.

With the capacity of reaching remote areas in any
region of Afghanistan

our clients & partners